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Vivian Valtas 12 Bikes Over 12 Days Contest

Vivian Valtas Donates Bikes for Christmas

Chicago, Il- December 15, 2011: Gear up for the 12 Days of Christmas Bicycle Essay Contest! 

Vivian Valtas of Vivian Valtas State Farm Insurance will donate 12 bikes to 12 children this holiday season.

“This is an important event -- particularly during a time when people often forget that there are good deeds happening each day. We are blessed to live in this nation and to enjoy the company of family and friends around us,” said Valtas. Vivian realizes the importance of giving back, having been the recipient of an anonymous donor’s generosity in her childhood.

For the daughter of a Greek immigrant striving to provide the bare essentials, the thought of a new bike was a luxury, not a reality. Many years ago, Vivian was surprised when the owner of a local bike shop unexpectedly delivered a brand new shiny bicycle! He explained that an anonymous benefactor had made arrangements to give one bicycle every month to a local child. Vivian never forgot this angel’s precious gift and seeks to bring the same joy she received to the Chicago community.

The 12 days of Christmas Bicycle Contest is an event that is quite fitting for Chicago. As the Mecca of the Midwest, this city is transforming into one of the most bike-friendly and greenest cities in the U.S. Bikes are also a child’s medium to maturity. They are a method of transportation, of freedom, and most importantly: they bring cheer to the child.

Here's How Your Kids can Enter & Qualify:

1.    Submit an essay of 200 words or less on why they feel they are most deserving of a new bike: 

•What good deeds have they done this year that makes them feel they deserve a new bike? 

•What plans do they have to help others who are less fortunate?

2.    Be between the ages 7-15.
3.    Complete and submit the essay to 5446 S. Archer Ave. Chicago, IL 60638 by December 10th with contact information
(name, phone number, and school information).
4.    Winners must pick up their bike at 5446 S. Archer Ave. Chicago, IL 60638 by December 20th, 2011.
5.    Parents/Teachers: Please provide the child’s height and favorite colors.